Recovery Literature
In our meetings, our lives, and our literature, we help each other by sharing our experience and the tools we use to live clean and recover.
-Basic Text, page 111
The Twelve Concepts for NA Service
NA: A Resource in Your Community
Informational Pamphlets (IPs)
IP #1: Who, What, How, and Why
IP #12: The Triangle of Self-Obsession
IP #14: One Addict's Experience...
IP #17: For Those in Treatment
IP #20: H&I Service & the NA Member
IP #23: Staying Clean on the Outside
IP #24: Money Matters: Self-Support in NA
IP #29: Introduction to NA Meetings
IP #30 Mental Health in Recovery
Group Readings
The Basic Text audio ( 5th edition)
White Booklet in American Sign Language
I.P.#1 Who, What, Why, and How ASL
Staten Island Area of Narcotics Anonymous
C/O GNYRSO 154 Christopher Street Suite 1A, NEW YORK, New York 10014
Helpline: 212-929-6262